FIFA Street

FIFA Street


Mrach 13, 2012


4 GB

FIFA Street (also known as FIFA Street 2012 and FIFA Street 4) is a sports video game by EA Sports' FIFA Street franchise based on street football. It is the first such game in almost four years, and a reboot for the series. FIFA Street was developed by some of the same team behind FIFA 12, including creative director Gary Paterson, and uses the FIFA 12 game engine. Sid Misra, the line producer for FIFA Street, promised "the first true quality street football experience."

The game features a large number of real life players from 3000 teams of many of the world's biggest leagues, and locations from around the world ranging from the streets of Amsterdam to the beaches of Rio de Janeiro. Each of these arenas attempt to reflect the style of football played in that country. The game is the first game in the series to feature both national and club teams.

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BLES01493 - FIFA Street
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1. Download file game dan patchnya
2. Masukan semua file ke root folder PKG Linker 2.0
3. Hubungkan PC dengan PS3 melalui kabel ethernet dan setting IP-nya
4. Jalankan PKG Linker 2.0 di pc, dan pastikan konek dengan PS3
5. Copy & install package_list.pkg dari root PKG Linker 2.0 via USB ke P3 jika baru pertama kali.
6. Jika langkah 5 sudah pernah dijalankan, tinggal refresh database saja di PS3 dan install ulang package_list.pkg
7. Install game file beserta file patchnya.
8. Game siap dimainkan !
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